ROYAL: Tell us how did you got the name Gumby aka Pryce.
GUMBY: I got the Name Gumby off the streets. A long time friend, who is now doing 15 years in jail, was making fun of me and started calling me “Gumby”. Then everyone in the hood caught on. Whenever I got into mischief, the name “Gumby” was always being noticed in our community and that’s how I got the name GUMBY.
As for “Pryce”, that’s my stage name. Gumby is already a trademark name so I choose the name Pryce because every time people want to see me perform, I always say “Name the Pryce (price). You got to pay the Pryce to see me perform!" I call myself Pryce because I look at myself as a valuable person.
ROYAL: How did you get started in rapping?
GUMBY: How I got started rapping was through my neighbors. They were black and they always form a circle around our house and just rap. I was the only Asian in the circle that didn't know how to rap then, but I was watching and studying. I can go on for ever about how I started. Check out my BIO in myspace.com/gumbyakapryce
ROYAL: Who are your rap influences?
GUMBY: My influences are range from Run-DMC, LL Cool J, Snoop, 2pac, DMX and now 50 Cent
ROYAL: The beats in your songs are hot! Who does your beats for you?
GUMBY: I have alot of beats that are hot but I have to say the beat from 9999 Roses is my favorite. Doeboy from MA made the beat. All my beats are from a variety of different katz online. They hit me up on my myspace and just want me to rap over their instrumental. So I tell them to send me their hottest beats. All they want is credit on the production. So I get my beats for free! Hahahah can't beat that right?
ROYAL: Who does your music video productions?
GUMBY: Oh, the video production? That will be all me. I invested my money to get a Sony HD xy2100 video camera and I use ILIfe08 and Final cut pro program. I bought a book about the program and also read it plus hands on training at the same time. I started messing with it everyday to the point where I was extremely comfortable using it. I have visions in my head on how the scenes should look like, shoot my own scenes and edit all the videos myself. I guess I'm just gifted with talent man! I'm one in a million or two? Hahhahahhaha but that’s 6 Tusks TV for ya! Check them all out on youtube.com search “gumbyakapryce”
ROYAL: What does "Pheng Nuklang" mean?
GUMBY: Pheng Nuklang is Lao for "Gangsta Music". In that track I had to spit what I know, what I see and what I did from my past experience...
ROYAL: How did you get in touch with Supamon even though you guys from different crews? Are you guys cool together?
GUMBY: Supamon hit me up on myspace and wanted to do a song with me. I found out he was a Lao Crip and I used to bang Lao Bloods back in the day. I had an idea that no one had ever did in the Asian community and told him this how we were gonna do this: I told him to shoot his scene part with his own camera and send the mini DV cassette to me to edit and that’s how we hooked up. As for me, I'm cool with everyone until I hear them talking shit from the side of their mouth about me! Then we got beef. There were rumors circulating around that Supamon was talking shit about me. I don't believe it unless he's man enough to say it to my face. That’s how real men get down. Until then I brush off the haters, they’re mostly bitch made always. Hahahahaa!
ROYAL: Where do you see the rap game taking you in the next 5 years?
GUMBY: I wish I was physic but hopefully it'll take me to retire early. Be set for life off my talents. I just got to have patience and faith. Even if its 5-10 years from now, I am still gonna be in the streets with HIT SONGS and I’m still be gonna be doing the damn thang with new music and videos as I GO. When I hit my goal and that is get that mill, then I'll go into producing my new prodigy. Music is what I love it's in my blood so I can't stop and won't stop. Thats where my talent is at: Entertaining the world!
ROYAL: Who would you like to collab with? Any Asian rappers in particular?
GUMBY: To be honest with you, no one in particular until I see one of them on TV or hit mainstream. Not to sound cocky but I'll only collaborate with any Asian artist chasing the same dream as me. I tried to hit up a few other Asian rappers but I guess they think they are higher then me or think I'm wack, they never hit me back so fuck them. Regardless, with or with out them I'm still doing it big!!!
ROYAL: Any shoutouts you want to give out?
GUMBY: This is hard because if they were in my shoes they probably won't give me a shout out. Real talk! But here's to the katz I know is doing music right: Lil Yank, Relative, SY, Crooked, San Man from L.A.O, Invazn, KT, l.O.G in Laos, Impak, SIP, sunny bono and bird, My bad to whom I forgot.
ROYAL: Are you working on any projects now? Any other projects than rapping?

GUMBY: Hit me up on myspace.com/gumbyakapryce. So I know they interested and if they are I'll give them the Info.. but you can DL my tracks anywhere you see my profiles at. This is Gumby aka Pryce and I'm OUT!!!
We at Asian Rap Worldwide wish Gumby aka Pryce all the best in his future endevours.
Wow, I know some home boys still listen to Gumby! He's creative a work of art his production be legit.
Cool bro!
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