DJ Tommy is one of the most sought-after DJs in Hong Kong ever since he won first place in the 1991 Hong Kong DMC Championships. The very next year he represented Hong Kong in the World DMC Finals and was awarded 8th place, 2nd place in the 1996 World Finals, and 6th place in 1997 World Finals. In 1999, DJ Tommy released an EP called Scratch Rider, an LP called Respect For Da Chopstick Hip Hop in 2001, and was a major part of the LazyMuthaFucka (LMF) movement which helped bring hip hop culture to Hong Kong. There are rumors speculating that DJ Tommy will release another album featuring RZA, MC Hotdog, but there are no confirmation on whether if or when it will be released.
In Respect For Da Chopstick Hip Hop, DJ Tommy collaborates with MC K-One from Japan, MC Yan from Hong Kong, and MC Meta and Joosuc from Korea. It is truly amazing to hear the many different languages you can hear in this Asian rap song. Music is truly the universal language and it can overcome any borders!
For all you DJ Tommy fans, here is a clip of DJ Tommy in April 2008 DJing while another MC Raps in Cantonese for the opening ceremony of Juice Shop in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
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